Fan Fanatic Sports Staff
It's opening day, severe rain is in the forecast, and the Boston Red Sox are getting ready to do what they do the best? Winning games? No. What the Red Sox brass do best is prolonged rain delays. They are notorious for two hour long rain delays before they finally postpone a game.
Why do they do this? Well, to make money of course. Why call the game, when there is plenty of beer to sell and hot dogs to eat. I work in the sports business at a local arena, so I know why they use this practice. If a game gets rained out, you still need to pay hourly employees a minimum of 4 hours pay. Hot Dogs, and other concession food, is prepared prior to the game. Beer is initially poured out just prior to the game to make lines quicker. Nobody just wants to throw that stuff away and lose all that money, right? Just because I understand the practice doesn't mean that it's right. Is it not enough that the Red Sox have the highest average ticket price in the majors?
So, if you're heading into the game today and don't care about pre-game festivities, I'll tell you what to do. Head to a local establishment, have something to eat, maybe suck down a few beers, and wait until the very last minute before heading into the game. Believe it or not, you'll actually save money. One last thing though. Whatever you do, make sure you do enter Fenway Park at some point. If your ticket hasn't been scanned, and the game gets rained out, you are not eligible for a make up game.
Good luck and enjoy one of the best days of the year!
Happy Opening Day!
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