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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What were you thinking Cooper?

By Chad Garner
Fan Fanatic Sports Staff
It's one thing to speak your mind, it's another to know when to shut up.
You can bet USC women's basketball coach Michael Cooper will think twice before opening his mouth to the media before or after a game.
If you didn't read what Cooper said, take a look at this. Cooper, who played for the Los Angeles Lakers many moons ago, quickly got initiated into the USC-UCLA rivalry when he dropped a bomb during his postseason news conference on Sunday.
Here's what he said, according to ESPN.com.
"My opening statement is (expletive) UCLA," Cooper said.
Mind you, the Trojans even won the game, 70-63.
First off, can you say insert foot in mouth?
Better yet, you've got to be kidding me.
If Cooper was trying to garner national attention for his club, he's got a real twisted way of going about it.
I guess all is forgiven (seriously joking) since he later issued an apology.
Call it the heat of the battle or whatever, but it still doesn't fly with me.
Cooper crossed the line.
Whether he knows it or not, he's in a position of power and what he says and does holds a lot of weight with his players, the fans, the school and the countless number of young aspiring female basketball players that want to be just like many of the current USC players.
I know, Cooper must really regret acting like that, but what's done is done. He can take it back all he wants, but that statement is still there and it still sends the wrong message.
Would you want your child saying that after a sporting event?
No way.
A rivalry is great, but after the game shake hands, accept victory or defeat and respect your opponent.
Cooper clearly didn't do that.
There's no place in athletics for that kind of behavior.
Kids need role models.
Would you want your kid looking up to Cooper?