Fan Fanatic Sports Staff
The New York Yankees are going to the World Series!!!
It's a great day in Yankeeville, but for the Nation it's a very dark day.
I just can't believe all the frauds that wear a Boston Red Sox "B" on their cap and have now come out of the woodwork to cheer on the Phillies.
It's a complete joke if you ask me.
Granted, Red Sox and Yankees fans each don't get along -- we all know that's well documented - but the Nation is back to spewing insults in every direction, hoping that the hated Yankees don't win the World Series.
Go to any Internet site where there's Yankees talk or even Red Sox talk -- even Facebook for that matter -- and you'll find all the haters coming out of every direction to bash the Yankees.
For you Red Sox fans who don't appreciate the fine art of baseball, it's totally false that the Yankees suck. Time to realize it, accept it and move on.
It's funny how Red Sox fans are suppose to cheer for their team only and hate everyone else that stands in the way of the Nation, but now fans are turning in their Red Sox red for Phillies red? Come on now. The biggest supporters of the Phillies now live in New England?
Excuse me while I barf.
I know there's no way in hell that Sox fans will root for the Yankees -- and I wouldn't expect them, too, either -- but to go way out of your way to fire off insults and do anything in your verbal power to try to jinx or bash the Yankees is a little childish in my book.
The Yankees made the World Series and finished off the Angels which the Red Sox couldn't do, but big deal. Root for the Phillies all you want, but your team has been eliminated already so pipe down.
Ever hear of when you lose you're not suppose to talk trash, you're in no position to do so? Plus, no one will take your seriously.
Actually, it's nice to see that there are some Red Sox fans that do appreciate "good baseball" as one of my Red Sox friends puts it, but the hate, arrogance, negativity and jealousy just makes you look bad.
You win with class and lose with class. Tip your cap on a job well done and move on.
Obviously, a good portion of the Nation (I will not group everyone in that statement) hasn't figured that out.