By Chad Garner
Fan Fanatic Sports Staff
So the Patriots finish 11-5, don't make the playoffs last season and get stuck with this schedule?
Thank you National Football League.
If you look at this schedule, courtesy of patriots.com, you would think that the Patriots DID make the playoffs last year and got "rewarded" for their success.
Well, so much for taking the foot off coach Bill Belichick's throat. It's bad enough that he had to watch the playoffs from his couch - he was probably thinking that his team would have had a good chance to at least make the AFC Championship Game if they got into the playoffs -- now he and Pats get a playoff-type of schedule.
Oh, and thank you for the trip to London vs. Tampa Bay on Oct. 25. Nice short flight. How many diehard football fans in Tampa or Foxboro would have loved to have that game in their backyard? Instead, soccer fans -- we play football, the game in England is called soccer, got it! -- get to watch a sport they could care less about. Quick, buy your Tom Brady jerseys now, he's No. 12 if you don't know.
Anyway, at least they have the bye after that soccer game.
After opening with AFC East games -- Pats kick off season on Monday night, Sept. 14, at home vs. Buffalo and then travel to the Jets -- they host Atlanta and Baltimore (2 very good playoff teams last year) and then visit former offensive coordinator turned head coach, Josh McDaniels, in Denver. You'll learn your lesson for leaving Joshy boy. The teacher always win the first 7 or so matchups, so be prepared for a whoopin'.
Things get a lot easier -- ya, right -- with the Titans. Then QB-less Tampa and the bye.
I'm tired already. If the Pats go 5-2 in that stretch, I'll be doing the shimmy-shake in my living room ... 4-3, I'll be cautiously optimistic about the rest of the year.
Take a look at the next stretch, it's a cupcake schedule (another joke): vs. Miami, at Indianapolis (Nov. 15, Sunday Night Football), vs. New York Jets, at New Orleans (Nov. 30, Monday Night Football), at Miami (Dec. 6, Sunday Night Football), and vs. Carolina.
I'll call sweep on the final three games: at Buffalo, vs. Jacksonville and at Houston.
On paper, it looks like a very tough schedule. But the way the NFL is -- you can go from the penthouse to the outhouse in only one season -- I guess you really never know.
But right now, if the Pats can make the playoffs, you can say they definitely earned it.
Thanks again, NFL.
Well, lets talk about last year...the Patriots went to the superbowl the previous year, and the AFC east ended up with the cupcake schedule. Im not sure your theory holds up.
ReplyDeleteThere's no theory, Pats have the third toughest strength of schedule (and they didn't even make the playoffs, that's not suppose to happen) ... add four prime-time appearances, including a trip to London, all signs point to an extremely difficult schedule.
ReplyDeleteThe NFL Schedule is set years in advance, based on a rotating system. You play each division rival twice, then one other division in each conference. This year the Pats have the NFC South and the AFC South. Plus the Patriots play the two other 2nd place finishers in the AFC (Ravens and Broncos). This system was adopted after realignment in 2002 to make sure teams made regular trips to every other NFL city.
ReplyDeleteThe NFL was not trying to make things tough for the Patriots. They were just following the rules that were put in place. For example, if they keep the same rules, we already know that in 2016 the Patriots will play the following teams at Home and Away:
AFC South Team to be determined based on prior year finish
AFC West Team to be determined.
If this doesn't make sense go to www.johnnyroadtrip.com and click on the schedules link. It has alls that Pats opponets listed through 2017. They do a lot better job explaining it than me.
Plus the Dolphins went form 1-15 to division winners in a year. You never know what to expect.
P.S, I know I made a ton of spelling and gramar errors so try to work through it.
ReplyDeleteAlso base on the current system the NFL uses, the Patriots 2009 opponents were determined in 2002. The point I am trying to make is that all teams opponents for each season are not determined by prior year results, but by the rotating system now is use. In theory you could find out the Patriots opponents in 2050 if you really wanted.
ReplyDeleteRight, but based on the current system, the Pats are getting hosed based on scheduled opponents (they have the 3rd toughest schedule), prime-time games, London trip, this is all done by the NFL. The Pats, just like everyone else, have to play when and where they are told.
ReplyDeleteLast year the Patriots had the easiest schedule in the league and didn't make the playoffs. They are not geting hosed, but just had bad luck this year as it was their turn to play the AFC South and the NFC South, two good divisions. In 2010 I believe they get the NFC North, a bad division (think Lions and Packers). These things even out in the long run.
ReplyDeleteAs far as prime time games go, don't complain. When I was in high school the Patriots were so bad they never sold out and were always blackouted as a result. I would rather have to stay up late to watch them, then not being able to watch them at all. Prime time games are the price you pay for having a good team. Plus remember the Pats were so bad in the early 1990s that the NFL wanted to move them to St. Louis because nobody in New England went to the games.
As far as London goes, I don't buy the argument that this is going to hurt the Pats. It is not like these guys fly commercial airlines. They have their own private jet. Tom Brady will not be getting the middle seat between Vince Wilfork and Jarvis Green on a six hour flight.
Plus a six hour flight on a private luxury jet does not sound that bad. It is only about an hour longer that a flight to Seattle. Now if they had to play in China (remember they were going to have a preseason game there one year) then that would be an issue since it is a 20 hour flight. But London on a private jet? Doesn't sound that bad. Plus if anybody is getting hosed, it is Tampa Bay. They are the ones who will be the "home" team in London and are going to have only 7 games at Raymond James. For the Patriots it will be more of a neutral site.
So your stance is that the Patriots do not have a tough schedule? The proof is in the schedule, you can't even argue that. Apparently, you don't realize prime-time games take away from the following week's prep time to install a game plan, travel is never easy (just talk to any pro athlete) even if it's on a private jet which you think is like a vacation to Hawaii and no one wants to play on foreign soil.
ReplyDeleteSo based on your logic, and I'm using that term loosely, the Pats have an easy schedule and they should just be lucky to still be in New England, have 4 prime-time games and get to play in London ... I'm laughing as I type this ... thanks for reading, though. We'll talk about the Redskins at a later time, perhaps when they blow it in the draft, again.
First of all, the Redskins have nothing to do with this topic, so that is a just a cheap shot. But since you brought it up at least RFK/FedEx field has been sold out for each game in my lifetime. Where were all these Patriot fans in 1990 when they were 1-15? I can remember buying
ReplyDeletetickets for the Patriots at 12:30, a half hour before kickoff during those years, and the stadium was only half full.
Yes, New England is very, very, very lucky to have a team. In 1993, they were all but gone. St. Louis was building the TWA Dome, and James Busch Orthwien (Pats owner) was going to move the team there. Bob Kraft saved football in New England by not letting Jame Busch out of his lease on Foxboro Stadium, since Kraft owned the stadium and was renting the stadium to the Patriots. If Kraft had accepted the buyout offer, the Patriots were gone - its that simple. Because Kraft held out for more money on the buyout attempt, St. Louis didn't want to have an empty TWA Dome, and struck a deal with the Rams instead, who then moved from LA. Busch then lost all interest in the Pats since he could not move them to his hometown of St. Louis. He agreed to sell them to Kraft, who now owned both Foxboro Stadium and the team. Kraft was a local guy who wanted to stay and the rest is history.
And speaking of blowing in the draft, how is Chad Jackson doing? How about Lawerence Maroney? Eugene Chung? Every team has busts (although the skins have more, Desmond Howard, Heath Shuler, Lavar Arrington etc). Also where did I say that the Patriots have a easy schedule. They have a tough schedule, but you seem to be saying that it is the NFL's way of getting back at the Patriots. Look at the Colts, Steelers, and Cowboys. They have just as many prime time games so why are you writing about how they are getting "hosed".
As far as travel, spare me. These guys fly on private planes and stay at luxury hotels. You will never get me to say how "hard" it is for pro athletes. Most of these players have never worked a day in their lifes. Everytime my work phone rings, I am expecting it to be my boss telling me I have been let go due to the bad economy. Expecting me to have sympathy for millionare athletes who have never worked a day in their lives is a tough sell, especially since my job is on the line everday.
You really have drank the Patriot cool aide. Have you been hanging out with Rodney Harrison? I am a Pats fan and hope they win the Superbowl, but give me a break. The NFL is not trying to screw the Patriots. They get prime time games because they are a good ratings draw and that means more money for the league and every team in it. So your stance must be that teams like the Lions, Bengals and Seahawks should be on prime time too? Is that what you really want to see?
And my last point on travel is that they are going to London. Foreign soil? Beleive it or not, they have indoor plumbing, TV, clean water, and plenty of food in that "Foreign" place. They are going to Britian for Gods sake. It is not like they are going to play in Afghanistan. Plus the Giants played the Dolphins in 2007 in London, and we all know how the Giants finished that season.
Apparently you should be given the golden tour by Mr. Kraft since you stuck by the Patriots since you were in high school, spare me ... I've been going to Pats games ever since Steve Grogan -- he was a QB if you don't know who his is -- was leading the charge, so don't come with that lame excuse to validate that you're a fan ... and I figured it was you so I needed to confirm as far as being a Skins fan, boy those Washington glory days are long gone, huh?
ReplyDeleteYou're worried about a job every day, try searching for one every day because you got laid off ... again, spare me ... thanks for at least, FINALLY, admitting the Pats have a tough schedule. And yes, the NFL and its format is to blame, based on last year's results, it's one difficult schedule.
If you were let go, I am sorry. I fear it is only a matter of time before I am in the same boat. Things are not good here either.
ReplyDeleteTrust me I know who Steve Grogan is. He was a saint in my house growing up and the reason I became a Redskins fan (its a long story for another day). Toughest player in Pats history. QB number 14.
Anyway the Patriots have a very good team. Vegas still has them as the favorite to win it all. As for the Redskins, as long as Daniel Snyder owns the team, it is tough to picture them winning it all ever again. He is just not patient enough to build a winner. Too many shortcuts, signing big name free agents that eat up all their cap space. Albert Haynesworth is good, but the Skins have so many holes to fill that tying up that money in one guy makes no sense. Plus Snyder is only about 40 years old, and has no plans on selling the team.
If I offended you I am sorry. I will think twice about posting any commments in the future and wish all associated with this site good luck.
But my basic point remains the same. Yes the Patriots have a tough schedule, but it has nothing to do with last years results. They would have played the teams on this years schedule if they won the Superbowl last year, or if they went 0-16. It was just their turn in the rotation to play who they are playing.
Thanks for reading, Dan. No offense here, this is what this site is for, for people to either agree or disagree with a blog ... thanks for continuing to support the site, and we'll be sure to send you a prize pack when our FFS merchandise arrives ... Spread the word, this is only going to grow. Again, keep posting, this is how we know people are reading. At least we know who you are now:) We're always looking for suggestions about what people like and don't like about the site, and what you think we need to do to improve it ... let us know, and keep reading!
ReplyDeleteI have read everything posted so far and plan on continuing to do so. I will spread the word about the site.
ReplyDeleteI will post comments as long as I can at least kind of sound like I know what I am talking about.
I wish I could have added something about BU Hockey, but I am more of a BC Fan. Sorry Jimmy.
This must be a site record for comments from one blog.
This is the current record, so far, thanks for supporting FFS ... fantasy football is right around the corner:)